Thursday, January 22, 2009

Planning Events

Planning Events - The Basics of Event Planning

When dealing with any special event that you are planning or you are helping someone else with, there are many important issues associated with planning the perfect party, get-together, gathering, or virtually any other type of event that requires attendance of a great deal of people. Of course there are specific people who actually specialize in these types of event planning ideas, but the basics of event planning are pretty easy to catch on to and anyone can learn the hang of it if they try.

Indeed, many people are forced into have to plan events for one reason or another because they may be involved with large social groups, church groups, youth groups, or another type of group that meets on a regular basis. That being said, many people already know the basics of event planning without even realizing it. But if you are required to plan a large event for some reason or another, here are some basic things to think about:

How You'll Accommodate Everyone

This is a very important task in and of itself when it comes to any large gathering, but a main event that has a lot of attendees should have enough room to be able to accommodate everyone in the house or building comfortably. This event planning task often relies on assuming that people will either R.S.V.P. or otherwise let you know that they are able to attend the gathering. However, it's important to plan for just about everyone you invited just in case there are some people who decided not to R.S.V.P. and decided to show up at the last minute anyway. This often involves making sure there is enough seating for everyone and making sure that everyone has enough elbow room as well!

How Much Food and How Many Supplies

Another important task of event planning involves knowing how much food to order and how many supplies to order as well. The supplies are the easy part because all you will really have to do is order the supplies, such as silverware, forks, or spoons to account for everyone that confirmed they are coming to the gathering. Of course you'll want to make sure that you'll have plenty of extras just in case other people show up as well, but counting the respondents is important! Food, on the other hand, is a whole different matter. Many people like to pretend that they'll know how much food will be eaten at an event, but there is no simple way to figure it out until you have been in charge of multiple event planning tasks.

However, there are some general guidelines to follow that will help have enough food for everyone. For example, if you are ordering cookies for everyone then one trick to use would be to count how many people are attending and multiply that number by two-and-a-half. That will ensure that there will be at least two cookies for everyone, but if someone only has 1 cookie then there will obviously be extra as well!

Of course there are plenty of other things to think about when in charge of event planning, but deciding how much food to order and making sure that everyone is accommodated are two of the most important issues any event planner should think about!